Sucker punch

Everyone has a guardian who watches over them, a spirit, ever shifting in form. One day, they might appear as an elderly sage: the next, a youthful sprite. Yet, let not their varied guises deceive you. Their strength rivals the fiercest dragon’s might.

These guardians, however, do not engage in our battles directly. Instead, they whisper from the depths of our hearts, gently reminding us of a profound truth: the power to shape our realities lies within each of us. It is we who command the realms we conjure in our minds.

At times, we may choose to deny the existence of these entities, to cast aside the notion as mere fantasy. But they persist, manifesting in the most unexpected of places and at the most unpredictable times. They speak to us through any character that springs from our imagination, a short on social media, a character in a tv show, or a message in a movie, it uses whatever means necessary to reach us.

Even through our darkest fears, when our innermost demons show up, they communicate. Be it a gentle tap on the shoulder, or a smack in the face. These entities challenge us, dare us to rise above, to engage in the fight. It’s a call to embrace the strength and insight that we, often unknowingly, hold within. In movies, in stories, in every slice of life, they remind us: the power has always been ours.

At least that is the thought I had when I last watched Sucker Punch.

Rock and Roll,


P.S. What’s the one thing you don’t do, that would cause the most positive change in your life?

P.P.S. This was first drafted about 7 years ago, I found it in the drafts folder and have chosen to release it. Bit of a tangent from my normal content I know, but to be honest……. even though this is an old blog I started, it is still true for me now. Could probably better describe my thoughts in person. Regardless, hope you like this one.

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